Exceptional Concrete Services

With over 12 years experience, Non Stop Group provide professional concrete services across Australian Capital Territory.
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Our advantages


You can count on us no matter how big or small the job.

Great Prices

We guarantee to give you the best price possible when working with us.

On Time

We pride ourselves on our professionalism to complete your project on time.


Rest assured we’ll give you the best quality work with every project.

About us

With over 12 years experience, Non Stop Group provide professional concrete services across Australian Capital Territory. Our team of professionals are some of the best in the businesses and have completed a wide range of concreting jobs.
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Our services

With over 12 years industry experience our experienced team can take your formwork project to the next level.

We have completed all types of Formwork in various classes required for a wide range of projects.

No matter the size of the project or complexity, we guarantee to give you the best workmanship possible.
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Our team at Non Stop Group are able to take on a wide range of civil concreting projects including roadworks through to civil works, concrete slab replacements and labour hire.

Our extensive experience allows us to create a sustainable, cost-effective solution for every concreting project no matter size, location or duration.
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Our team at Non Stop Group and can help you with a range of residential concrete projects including driveway construction and shed slab construction.

Our experts will work with you to create the most cost-effective solution to meet the needs of your project.
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Get in touch for a free quote

We’ll do our very best to give you an accurate quote on any concreting project.
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